Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Treatment Decisions

The results of the PET scan were shared with my parents yesterday. Many lymphnodes "lit up", indicating the cancer has spread to those lymphnodes. The largest mass is still the one near his kidney. Please pray for my dad, as he has to decide in the near future which chemo treatment to do. He got one regimen from an oncologist of 2 months of a new chemo drug followed by radiation, but may try to find out if other local oncologists have different suggestions. This would also mean having to decide which oncologist and hospital to go to for all of his treatments.


  1. Thanks for the update on what to pray for...

    Abba Father- may you uphold your child. Guide him and fill him with your peace, healing, and love everlasting...

  2. "Show me your ways, O LORD, teach me your paths; guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and MY HOPE IS IN YOU all day long. Remember, O LORD, your great mercy and love, for they are from of old. Remember not the sins of my youth and my rebellious ways; according to your love remember me, for you are good, O LORD."
    Our God is a good God, He will protect you and guide you through with His peace and love.

    David and Julia

  3. Hi, Mack and Tina,

    A colleague was treated in Everett Providence Hospital, and he was happy with the oncologist there. Would you consider Everett for 2nd or 3rd opinion? I will ask for the name anyway.

    Thanks for your support and setting an example for all of us. We pray that His healing power be menifested in your case again!



    We live in a same boat, love and peace in God;
    We walk in a same valley, comforted by the rod and staff of God;
    We share a same trust, only and all in Him; and
    We have a same father, father of amazing God.

    We are safe, in the refuge of God;
    We are blessed, in the earth and heavens of God;
    We are singing, we are praising; and
    We are the same - children of mighty God.

    Mack and Tina,

    If you need a personal contact from Dr. Michael Milder to Dr. Philip Gold’s office, please feel free to let me know.

    Also, Julie is traveling in China. She and her parents send their prayers and blessings to you and your family from Beijing.

    Love in Him,
