Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Learning to Pray for Healing

Throughout the past few years, people have asked "can your mom play piano yet?" numerous times and I scoff and think "are you kidding me? you have no clue what you're talking about" because my mom is far from being able to have that kind of control over her left hand. It actually almost makes me angry that people would dare think it's that easy and fast for my mom to recover, when they don't see the her persistence and the struggles she goes through to get to where she is even now (which already seems like a miracle - I still remember the first night in the hospital, when she could move absolutely nothing on her left side, and thinking she was going to be bed-ridden for the rest of her life). I just figured people asked questions like that because a) they didn't know what else to say, or b) because they were naive.

I'm starting to be more aware of a third option though - c) some people pray for miraculous healing. It's not like I've ever thought that God can't do something - I know in my head He can do anything, and He still performs miracles to this day. I really believe He can if He wants to.

Some people have been emailing and saying they're "praying for healing" now that my dad's cancer has returned. And I just kept thinking "yea yea, sure, that's good positive thinking, they don't know what else to say so they're trying to be encouraging". But it's time for me to learn to pray this for my dad and mom too, so I started this morning. I don't really know why I didn't seriously pray that before...I guess I'm too "practical" of a person. I accept the lot the Lord has given us in our life, and just figured that He signed off on my mom having a stroke, and He signed off on my dad having cancer. So, just accept it and roll with it. I think that is ok too - it doesn't mean that if you accept it, you have less faith. Cause you still are having faith in Him that He is watching over everything and has everything planned perfectly, according to His good and pleasing will.

But it also means I might not be experiencing all of God and His power, and what He has in store. There's another aspect of faith that I've never experienced/understood. Maybe it is His desire to heal one/both of my parents! That would be so cool. So, if that is the case, I should start praying for it. And if that is not in His will, well, I accept that too.


  1. Connie,

    This is a note to you and your whole family. You have gone through a lot. Despite it, your faith and trust in the Lord shows.We admire all of you and praise God for your testimony. Jeusus is the great healer, so that is why we are still praying for healing.
    So as your parents travel to China, the song "All the way my Savior leads me" comes to mind. The Lord indeed will lead them all the way.
    We will pray for them and you all daily.


    Dry-dad and Dry-mom (LLH and EH)

  2. <a href="https://zahretelmamlakah.com/%d8%b4%d8%b1%d9%83%d8%a9-%d8%aa%d9%86%d8%b8%d9%8a%d9%81-%d9%83%d9%86%d8%a8-%d8%a8%d8
